Has no-one here ever had one of those friends at work or school that is always there to listen to you?
Have you ever had one of those friends you never tell your S.O. about because it's not worth the hassle of the "Why can't you tell me these things?" inquisition?
Never been in one of those situations where you're the 'good friend' and it seems that this person you get along so well with is just being treated like shit by their partner?
Maybe Chris is that guy?
Maybe he thinks she's so open about this because she likes him, whereas it's usually the case that she can't talk to her partner but feels ok just blurbing about the things she doesn't like in her relationship?
Questions like "where are we going in this relationship" sound like the advice so-called 'good friends' give to one another.
On the other hand, if she tells you she's staying over at a girlfriends for some lame reason or that she's 'visiting her mother', then you can throw the trash through his window.