Originally Posted by Coppertop
You're jumping to an awful lot of conclusions there rat. If she is truly on a different page and wants out of the relationship, she should tell him and end the relationship before fucking around with other men, period. intecel isn't the bad guy here (if she is indeed cheating). The right time for one to get married isn't the right time for all.
Exactly... I don't know how it turned into a personal attack on my views of marriage.
I guess I think differently than most. I don't jump right into anything unless I have an idea that good things will come out of it. Marriage right now means bad things:
A) I don't know if we're good enough to stay together for life *yet*. Things have been good, but I'm not sure yet.
B) Her credit is completely f'ed.
C) I have a house I'm going to be trying to sell at a 25% profit next year.
D) I will need a new house soon after. I need good credit for this.