Originally Posted by paulskinback
Two and two together, he tried to calm her drunkness and shouting, restrained her, pushed her out of his face. She hit him and he retaliated. My thoughts are, if i were him, she hit me, i walk away and leave her. I couldn't ever hit a girl/woman.... but he did... it angers me that he saw nothing wrong with that, I don't want him to do worse in the future...
I hate to think what wrath I'm going to call down on myself for this

, but this does not sound like a healthy relationship. I'm with you on the "walk away" part, but it sounds like they're really kind of stuck feeding off each other's actions. I can see why you'd be bothered that he doesn't see anything wrong with it, but I'm just as bothered that she doesn't see anything wrong with it, either. Sounds like they've gotten into a bit of a pattern, and I would hate to see it escalate. These things do happen, and they're unfortunate, and many devoted couples manage to find a way past it. But chances are if neither of them is interested in changing their behavior, it's not going to get better, only worse.
If you're asking whether you should still be his friend, you're the only one who can really answer that. You know what there is between the two of you, and whether this new insight into his character and behavior is worth letting that go. You can either stick to him and try to convince him of what you (and most of us) see as the error of his ways; or you can stick to him and say "live and let live;" or you can walk away and let him and his girlfriend handle their own dysfunction.
Good luck.