The BestBuy here has asked for my number
once. I've not had any calls from them in the last 4 years, and I enjoy being a customer of theirs and a part of their Reward Zone program where I earn points for everything I purchase, no matter how large or small, in which I receive gift certificates towards anything/everything in their store.
I can't say they've ever given me reason to dislike or disagree with the way they do things. I find nothing really wrong with the way they do things...however, I do
definitely understand the concern for this and other similar practices from companies.
In an age where we are quite conscience of the value of our own personal information, a suggestion and idea I've thought of is I find a "code" of (with or without your actual area code) your birthday and numeric (first/last name) initials work just as well. (See example below for clarification).
Birthday: Sept. 10, 1977 with 1st/last name initials: "E" (the 5th letter of the alphabet) and "C" (the 3rd letter of the alphabet), respectively, the "phone number" could be: 910-7753.
OR the "phone number" could also be: 910-1977 (w/out the numeric initials.)
OR (Same birthday as Ex. A) w/ initials of "D" (4th) and "S" (19th) the number could be: 910-0419. Make it easy to remember (reason to include a b-day) and/or write it down, keep it safe.
This has worked several times for me.

Otherwise, as mentioned often above, just say "No, thank you". This works as well...
Regardless of your opinion on this practice, most of these companies offer great prices for merchandise, have good to great hours, friendly staff, etc. Focusing on the positive always helps.