Originally Posted by Zeraph
But no seriously, 93% of people I fucking hate their guts.
And it’s not so much that I hate them, strangers, personally, but it’s the fact that I can’t be myself around them and not be happier in public that I hate. Maybe what I’m getting at is the deep social masks we all put on, but it has more of a negative effect on me.
Your main problem seems to be self-denial. There are many causes for this, including the lack of self-confidence, focus and caring too much about the little things in life. I continually go through this process, and time and time again I will believe that I have the strength and focus to get through life and start becoming an adult. By the week is over, I'm back to my weak, pathetic self daydreaming for hours on end about projects that will never be completed, sometimes about my so-called 'perfection,' even though I haven't really accomplished anything for humanity.
I can only speak from my personal experiences so here's what I've discovered. The mind creates fabrications from imagination about itself to try to prove that it's somehow worth a damn, while in reality nothing was done to prove that self-worth. Therefore, it all comes down to hating one's self for not meeting up to their own personal expectations. A man can dream about becoming God, but leave them idle and they become the devil's playground. For some reason, I cannot get this through my thick skull.
A single moment will not end your life. Build up some self-confidence and realize that life is a stage, but that doesn't mean that when someone makes a mistake the play is halted to fix it. It keeps flowing just as a movie should. Your dream will not exist to others unless you show it. And then all shall pass as planned.