Having had a horrible relationship in which my ex wife was very abusive, and liked to grab sharp and or blunt objects to swing at me, I feel that there is deffinately a time when you may, despite your chivalrous inclanations, have to hit a lady- for me it was the last time she came at me with a ball peen hammer- that was after four and a half years, and I still have (and will have for the rest of my life, ) knife scars- I, untill that point, had believed that one never hit a woman, etc, but if you get hurt enough times, take enough knives away from her, and get enough knives, mugs, hammers, etc thrown at you, then it does in fact change your opinion- the situation was particularly bad for me, as i 1- sell weapons for a living, 2- am certified to teach a martial art, 3- am a guy- luckily I avoided any entanglement with the law, but had the cops been called, I am sure that as the guy, I would have been the one to go to jail- and the person that this thread focuses on should be warned of that fact- statisticly, HE will go to jail, unless she outright tells the cops that she is at fault- NOTE- I do not condone unprovoked, non consensual violence in a relationship, violence is always destructive, and does not provide a soloution, only an end, as was the case in my own situation-
Thought the harder, Heart the bolder,
Mood the more as our might lessens