My wife and I have been divorced for about two years now. I am 30 now and in all my years of dating I always wondered how anyone could ever hit a women? Well once you have been abused (Mentally and Physically) time and time again there is just so much a man can take. My X used to beat on me all the time and I can still say that I have never hit a women with a closed hand but I sure have shaken the fuck out of her. Not proud of my actions at all. I guess when someone bits the shit out of your arm. Instincts take over or mine did. So really its hard to answer for anyone until you have been put in that situation. I told her if she kept on talking and hitting people like a man someone was going to give her a Man's Ass Kicking. And as of today I got custody of my 19 month old boy when he was 6 months. She has 0 visitations with him from the courts just what I will allow and I was being very fair with her about coming over to the house to see him until about 4 hrs ago when she got pissed and as she was leaving she tried to run thru my garage door About 1500.00 worth of damage lucky my little boy was inside and didn't see any of this. So before you start saying what you would and wouldn't do to a women. You probably have never been put in this bad of a situation.
Puff Puff Give
Last edited by SLITWILLIE; 04-17-2005 at 07:14 PM..