Originally Posted by Seaver
What have the Bush admin accomplished in Iraq? Are you serious?...............
.............I'm not behind the admin fully on this, they need to hire more native Iraqi's to repair these, to bring back the employment and get them to feel more of a pride for their country. But to take every chance to stab at them, while ignoring the good they've done is blind partisanship.
One more time, Seaver........
1.) I cannot determine what information releases from the Bush administration concerning the invasion of Iraq, the "war on terror", the rebuilding of Iraq, (and for that matter..... the status of the SSI trust fund, the job performances of "Freedom Medal" winners George Tenet and Paul Bremer, the numbers of "foreign fighters" in Iraq, determinations of pollutant hazards, efficacy and safety of new drugs, hazards in the food suppy, i.e. MCD, what actually happened on 9/11 and who was responsible, the soundness of the currency, the impact on the treasury of proposed and enacted tax cuts, and
other issues too numerous to detail here, are or are not reliable.
2.) Judging by my observations of the last four years, starting with the almost immediate post 2001 innaugaral executive order that restricted the scheduled releases of past president's files, and arriving at the article that I posted above thar describes Rice's order to cease publication of the yearly terrorism report, it appears that the Bush admin. does not want me to be able to make my own determinations, and that it is actively impeding my efforts to do so. If my reaction to this curious and disturbing departure from past administrations can be brushed aside by you, as "blind partisanship", then I have to conclude that you are accepting and blissful in your Bush admin. orchestrated ingnorance as far as the issues and performance of our government. I am not.