Originally Posted by sweetpea
I am a little shocked at your continued flaring.
Making your points without flaring and in a calm and polite fashion is how Tfp works and what others are adhering to in this thread. calm down 
My first post was calm and laid out my thoughts, showing what I think to be the flaws in various other opinions. I increased the force of my posts hoping that people might actually read them... Unfortunately the second post:
Originally Posted by Irishsean
If he's really your friend, you take him out back, beat the living shit out of him...
...and the 45th post:
Originally Posted by Seaver
I will beat the shit out of any man I EVER see hitting a girl...
...seem to indicate that posting probably reaches only a very small number of those who add to the thread.
I do find it interesting that me calling people's positions stupid gets more reaction than others advocating premeditated assault. How does that work?