Originally Posted by Seaver
Not surprising at all. It would have only made the conversion of laundered money from the oil for food corruption directly into the European pocketbooks that much easier.
Not surprising that you have no response to the topic of this thread or to the
questions that I asked in the thread starter. Here is a more recent report concerning Iraqi electrical energy production:
<a href="http://news.google.com/news?hl=en&ned=us&ie=UTF-8&q=Millions+Said+Going+to+Waste+in+Iraq+Utilities&btnG=Search+News">http://news.google.com/news?hl=en&ned=us&ie=UTF-8&q=Millions+Said+Going+to+Waste+in+Iraq+Utilities&btnG=Search+News</a>
April 10, 2005
Millions Said Going to Waste in Iraq Utilities
# A coalition memo says water, sewage and power facilities rebuilt with U.S. funds are falling into disrepair. Iraqis say they need more money
By T. Christian Miller, Times Staff Writer
..........................The failures have left U.S. and Iraqi officials contemplating a disheartening scenario: After expending billions of dollars and tremendous effort, some of the reconstruction effort might literally go to waste. One official involved in reconstruction estimated that "hundreds of millions" had been squandered because of improper operation and maintenance of U.S.-funded projects................................U.S. officials "made a lot of decisions themselves, and the decisions were wrong," said Tamimi, an engineer who returned to Iraq after years of exile to help rebuild the country. "This is our country. It's our city. They didn't accept that."
After nearly two years and hundreds of millions of dollars' worth of repairs to rebuild Iraq's crumbling power plants, electricity production remains below prewar levels, according to the latest State Department figures.
John "Dick" Dumford, a consultant who oversees the electrical sector for USAID, said that production, depressed by fuel shortages, had been worsened by the maintenance problems.
He said Iraq's gas and thermal generators, if properly maintained and operated, could produce about 8,000 megawatts a day — enough to cover demand. Instead, they are only producing about 3,000 megawatts a day. As a result, Iraqis still endure daily blackouts.................................
Again, I ask you, Seaver.......what has the Bush administration accomplished in
Iraq, or in the "war on terror", compared to it's statements of aims and accomplishments, and.....
how do you know? How do you know what to tell your elected representatives as to voting for further appropriations that will finance
Bush administration goals in Iraq and in the "war on terror?