There land, so the brutal occupation and murder innocent Palestinian is justified because Jews were alledgedly present the thousands of years do know the majority of Israelies are not even of the semite race, Palestinians are! They (Israeli Jews) have European Decent and anyway this is no excuse for the Zionist crimes against non-Jews.
Why are you so aggressive in defending the fasict state of Israel, why make reference to any this so you can make your arguement more dramatic and emotional. Why would Jews want to be associated with the current state of Israel and their racist Policies? Unless of course they support these you support the occupation of Palestinian Muslims and Christians, Do you support the curfews on Palestinian Muslims and Christians? Do you support the security barriers which prevent Palestinian Muslims and Christians from working? Do you support the prevention of Palestinian Muslims and Christians from praying in Jerusalem? The List goes on....
There are Jews however against this - I think you should have a read of this website and learn why these Jews feel different from yourself, sure they may have some orthadox religious belief but they makes very interesting points, particuarly about the Zionist Jewish relationship with the do know about this yes?
I see you are ignoring the points - John Pilger addresses. He is the most respected Journalist in Britain and No he is not Arab, he knows right from wrong....people like Mandela and even Einstien have spoken out AGAINST Israel....
ps: Did you see the Palestinian Women Runner in the last Olympics. God Bless her courage, she was cheered by everyone!