My car has OEM forged aluminum wheels that have a painted finish. The paint is worn/chipped/missing in places around the edges. I don't think it's curb rash so much as cumulative wear of tires being mounted over the years.
Anyway, I looked at my options. Mostly that consists of having them restored to the factory painted finish, having them powder coated, or having them chromed. The big problem with this is each requires me to give up my daily driver for a varying amount of time. Oh, and of course they all cost $$$.
Anyway today I bought a couple cans of paint remover and a couple bags of 000 steel wool, jacked my car up, and went to work. It took me about 6 hours to do the two wheels on the passenger side and I am pleased. I still have some details to do plus of course the other two wheels. When I'm done they will been to be clear coated or protected in some way. For now I'm just waxing them and weighing my options again.
What I started with:
If this doesn't work, I'm in big trouble!
I'll be done by noon tomorrow!