05-18-2003, 12:07 AM
#22 (permalink)
big damn hero
Originally posted by archer2371
Ok, number one, Cheney has nothing to do with that post-war Iraq deal that his former, notice the word FORMER, company got. Whenever you enter a public office, you are required to put any private earnings into a blind trust and to quit your position of influence in the company that you participated in. So let's just settle that right now.
He surely has retired his postition with Haliburton no doubt about it. But I find it hard to believe that there isn't a sense of 'you scratch my back...' The folks of Haliburton would have to be complete idiots to not try and play up the relationship with the vice president, and the vice presidency is a limited term office, which means that in the end Cheney goes back to play with the boys in the playground once his term is expired.
Number two, where the hell in the Constitution does it say, "The President MAY NOT WEAR MILITARY CLOTHING"? nowhere in the Constitution does it say that. Sure it may have been a Top Gun move, however, when you're flying in an F/A-18 Hornet or any other supersonic fighter, you must wear a flight suit, it's part of the safety precautions for the pilot and the navigator and/or passenger.
It just reminded me of all the 'nutball' dictators (Kadafi, Castro, even our ol' buddy Saddam) walking around out there in military garb like they're 'one of the guys.' President Bush is far from being 'one of the guys,' and to make it worse he didn't really need to ride in the jet anyway, which makes this a conscious choice by either him or his PR people.
Number three, Bush is not an idiot, you can not graduate from Harvard and be an idiot, I don't care if you got a C or an A, you are an intelligent and hard working person if you graduate from Harvard.
I think 4thtimelucky hit this one pretty square.
Sure, Bush speaks very plainly, he may not use grandiose words, but he gets his point accross.
I want my President to use grandiose words. He's the leader of the of the free world and the "most powerful man on Earth." I want him to inspire the world. I want him to instill faith in the masses at his ability to run this massive multi-conglomerate we call The United States. I want him to put intelligent men in positions of power and be able to speak on the issues of the day without having to resort to catchphrases and cliches. He does speak plainly and I have no problem with that. I believe that the President of the United States can speak plainly and get his point across without murdering the English language and filling speeches with homemade malapropism.
I understand that he is only a man, on camera quite a bit and the pressures of the job must be enormous, but that is no excuse. The office of the Presidency should be held to a higher standard than the common man.
A quick word on the vacation thing. I know he's still doing work while on vacation. It's more about appearances. The world should see our leader in a suit and tie, not wranglers. It's stupid I know, but remember, it's 80% how you look.....
No signature. None. Seriously.