That website has a very skewed view of what constitutes races as only what has become the common definition. It deals mostly with dismissing the ideas that we are different and why slavery is wrong. Then again, it is a PBS website. Its funny how its very PC to say there is no such thing as race but then demand that a certain percentage of workers at a job not be white. Every person i know believes in race though, no matter what his own.
As to equality, I dont think race has anything to do with it besides slightly effecting the direction of your genetic makeup which is the true balancing point. a simple example is that a certain race has a genetic predisposition to be tall. As we all know, it pays to be bigger in many situations from job progression to a common fight. This race, even though it may have its short people will be considered better than a race that is exactly the same in every way but has a genetic predisposition to being short. Simple, but it calls into account how much your genetics will effect your behavior as well, which is a big sticking point these days. If we can think of intellegence and facial structure as being part of your genetics, does it also effect your sexual preference or criminal activity? *not that im trying to associate the two* There have been many studies on this but i think we are still a little short on the understanding of the way that our genes work to figure this out for a decade or two.
As to truely measurable genetic superiority *without my testing of all peoples idea*, we won't see that for a while yet. Science has a few more hurdles to pass * a lot more red tape and people who are appalled at the idea of playing with god's plan to overcome* but through science or perhaps even natural mutation we will hopefully see something that has not happened in many years, human evolution.
As to common day racial profiling, even if you knew that every guy that was coming to kill the president is going to be a latino midget with turrets. The one guy you stop and question about it that fills the profile but isnt a guilty party would cause an uproar. I almost blame media and racial coalitions for all the bullshit we have to deal with when common sense is overrun.
I'm going to have to search around a bit but i remember some drug research that was done and abandoned because while the drug worked beneficially on white people and i think asians, it did nothing or just gave side effects to a number of other races tested with it. I'll try to find it and post a link here some time.
I don't think stereotyping has anything to do with fear, unless you have an innate fear of a black man having a larger penis than you? A stereotype still works even if its not a majority of the given people that will fall into it. If you have a choice of one thousand objects to a thousand people and say a single one was picked a hundred times more than any other object, it still doesnt mean its a large percentage but definately a recognizable one.
The lies I would tell about myself? well, i would make them damned interesting enough to ensure my genetic line for many years to come.