Originally Posted by Janey
that means we are all of the same species, just different breeds within the species...
Jorgelito your post here:
jaco, if race is real how are we able to "interbreed"? Or how is race proven? Does it even matter? Societal behavior would seem to indicate so. Are we not all fruit from the same tree or different trees in the same grove?
is explained above.
oh, I neither require glasses, or have a hubby witha small dick. i also have an impeccable driving record... crash go the stereotypes.
Aye, I thought I was clear with what was said but maybe not. I am saying that race is just a group that is of similar genetic build as opposed to another group. It's the same as breeding dogs, I believe it takes 5 generations of controlled breeding to create a new recognized breed of dog. It's the same with humans, we are different. even though it's very non-PC to say such things, but then again politically correct people believe whatever they are told. I dont see how you folks are arguing with what i said