Originally Posted by inhalo
17th Question.
Cigs, Grits, Butts, and Fags. What is the social atmosphere of cigarettes? Are they banned in restraunts and bars. Can you go to a concert and light up? How much is a pack of Marboro? Do you guys have those cool half packs with ten cigs like they have in Ireland. Do they sell cigs individually anywhere? can you tell I smoke?
You can go out for a "Dart", "Quick Butt", "Tar Biscuit", or the most standard "Smoke"...
Where I am, smoking is banned in public. EVEN IN OPEN AIR PATIOS AND THE LIKE. EVEN IN PRIVATE CLUBS. The only place it is still allowed is where the public is not allowed. Pretty harsh.
Concerts are right out. So are bars.
You can get 20 packs here, but not everywhere. Standard "pack" reference is 25 smokes. A pack of Marlboro? I don't know. A pack of Canadian brand smokes here is about 10-12 bucks ( 8.11 to 9.75 american).
No, you cannot get smokes here individually. A mom-and-pop corner store got busted for 'breaking packs' for school kids who couldn't afford a whole pack. I'm not sure, but I think the fine was for selling to minors (you have to be 18 here, 19 IN OTTAWA).
We are just slowly putting the squeeze on smokers in Canada.
Funny story: When I first joined the Army, 9 out of 10 soldiers smoked. I didn't. When the "Smoke Break" came during the first day of basic, they saw me standing there, not doing anything (read: smoking) and they made me do push-ups. YOU CAN'T HAVE A SOLDIER JUST STANDING THERE!!!
Day 2 I walked up to my buddy and said "gimme a smoke"
He looked shocked, "You don't smoke!"
"I fucking do now..." was all I could say after doing all those push-ups.
Now, it is the complete opposite: 1 out of 10 soldiers still smokes. You have to go outside (did someone mention the -40 equality yet?) in the winter and suck one down before you freeze. It is just not worth it. That, and 12 bucks a pack...