at the risk of starting another flame war, there would appear to be some misconceptions here that no one noticed.
first, affirmative action does not mandate preference in all situations. AA only comes into play when it is deemed that there is a problem. now, before any of you respond with the kneejerk flame, i ask that you actually sit down and READ the legislation. (oh, and btw, quotas dont exist, as was pointed out a bit earlier)
second, we can spin "fact" any way we want to, but the census info that was posted was correct (and, not that it is any consolation, but i have run the numbers myself). if u want statistics, ive got plenty of them. like for instance, blacks are arrested more than three times as often as they actually commit the crime they are arrested for. or, perhaps the API scores for inner city and mostly minority schools being around 1 or 2, while there is a little (predominantly) white city of..... 130,000 people a bit south of me that has API scores of 9 and 10, some of the best in the nation.
i refuse wholeheartedly to get into hypotheticals or any form of "i know a guy." all i can do is report the things that are collected.
to complain about preferential treatment in colleges without looking at the dismal quality of education recieved by understaffed, underfunded schools is simply wrongheaded.
as for the so-called "culture of poverty" (the idea that minorities are socialized to remain in poverty) is a load of crap, sociologically speaking. open a newspaper. turn on the news (local is best). please, some one tell me how many instances of positive white males there are in any given hour. now, tell me how many violent crimes by minorities are reported. the simple fact is that we live in a white world. if you were told day in and day out that you couldnt amount to anything, you would start to believe it (a la labeling theory).
i understand that this forum is dedicated to giving people the chance to express their thoughts, and for that i am very appreciative. but seriously now, before you post another comment, stop and take a look at the world around you. then compare this to the "common knowledge" that everyone is so aware of. Do you see a disparity between the two?
I do.
Food for thought.