Oh goodness, SC...my first period was nearly as mortifying, though my mother claims you could've put me on a float in a parade I was so happy about it at the time.
I didn't realize I'd gotten my period and thought I just had constipation or something--really bad stomach cramps or whatever. So I sat on the toilet all morning, not bothering to look at my underwear or anything. I mean--they hadn't said it HURT in any of my sex ed classes and my mother certainly hadn't said so either. At some point in the morning my mother left to go to town and go shopping, leaving me at home with my brother and grandfather. Finally, after some time, I looked down at my undies to see that they were covered in something--blood. Now, I knew the likelihood of us having any kind of pad or whatever in the house was slim to none as my mother had had a hysterectomy four years previously, and I was right. So I had to go down to the basement, where my grandpa was watching television, and tell him that I had gotten my period and needed to go to the store. Luckily my grandfather was the coolest guy in creation, so it wasn't nearly as embarassing as it could've been.
My mom still tells every female friend of mine that story to this day.
If I am not better, at least I am different. --Jean-Jacques Rousseau