Interesting. If you see two people out socializing, when would you assume they were on a date? Most of the time, if it's a male-female couple, most people would assume it is a date. Most of the time, unless they do something to indicate otherwise, if it's two women, most people would assume it isn't. Grace and I get hit on all the time when we're out together, nobody ever assumes we're a couple unless we do something blatantly obvious. Two men? I dunno, I think I'd assume it was a Fred and Barney thing, best friends hanging out. Maybe society is more wary of two guys socializing than two women.
It's an interesting comparison. I don't know what the point there was that I was trying to make. It's late.
I'm against ending blackness. I believe that everyone has a right to be black, it's a choice, and I support that.
~Steven Colbert