Your friend needs to decide whether he (she) wants to play electric or acoustic, violin or fiddle. I'd point out that you can put a pick-up on an acoustic violin, but you can't make an electric play and sound exactly like an acoustic. Then, Dom should find a teacher, because teaching yourself is really, really hard. The teacher can help recommend an instrument (or even try them out). As a musician, I'd rate it as very difficult to buy an instrument that you can't play yet, as you won't know what works for you or even the difference between good and bad (or better and worse). That, in particular, is why I'd recommend getting an experienced player to help you pick one out.
BTW, prices can range from a couple hundred bucks to several million. I'd stay at the bottom end of that range until learning how to play.
Cogito ergo spud -- I think, therefore I yam