Originally Posted by killeena
I think that probably the best way to enjoy this movie is going to be to forget all the details from the books. I am sure that there are going to be many changes in the details, so it is probably best not to get too hung up on the fact that, "OMG! I never pictured Ford as being black!", or "OMG! they didn't do Zaphod's head correctly!" It is going to be different, because it has to be.
That being said, I hope they do keep certain important elements, such as some of the great lines from the guide.
That's nearly word for word what I said when I saw the trailers

I adjusted to Ford rather quickly, once I realized that I was being very silly and quite racist to think that he should be white, but I'm still rather peeved that Zaphod is missing an ENTIRE HEAD!?
How are they supposed to do the dialog where he talks to himself?! :P I'm still going to see it opening weekend, and I'm sincerely hoping to be entertained. (i.e. there'd better one helluva horrible poetry reading!)