Originally Posted by guy44
If the state is going to engage in murder, the last thing it should be doing is removing any safeguards. Lastly, murdering more people will have a negligable overall effect on the money/space problems facing our penal system.
Just for debates sake, what happens if the hospitals/universities helped out here by harvesting criminals and studying the process as an education tool? Let the creators of misfortune become the new and healthy organs of the unfortunate. I bet if you let accountants loose on this idea the dollars and cents would work out. The Chinese are pretty good at this quick judgement/use of the executed I hear, even if the accountants don't have a hand due to the fact that things do move rather quickly, and after all, the communist rationalle is from each according to their ability to each according to their need. A little of this Eastern communist viewpoint directed at the criminal dregs of our own society could be a little ray of sunshine for some people who otherwise have no choices, and no chances.