I think the prison systems would be fundamentally different given two major changes.
First, changing the focus from incarceration to rehabilitation. First time offenders for non-violent and qualifying violent crimes are sentenced to a treatment facility, counselors, drug rehab, and the like, if they can't successfully complete the rehab program then they would be transferred to work crews, where most of the fees would be subsidized by the jobs that they preform. The work crews would be a three strike system, leading to my second reform.
Increase the breadth of crimes punishable by death, and expidite the process. I know I'm going to get ripped for this one, but so be it. Add the rehab into the equation, if they fail rehab they go to a work crew, once approved by committee after a term on the crew they go back to rehab, fail again they go back to the work crew, there is no limit on this as long as they are approved for rehab by the work crew, or perhaps a three strikes rule per conviction or family of crime to inspire the criminal to reform. Failing the work crew for 3 terms, a second violent or felony sexual offense, and just get rid of them. Repeat offenders that had previously been through rehab go straight to the crews for their first term. And screw life imprisonment, if their crime warranted that, kill them and save the rest of us the hassle.
The implementation of changes like this would be drastic and would take a huge amount of planning. Having spent a year in a county jail only made a system like this make more sense. The money wasted on repeat offenders is a joke, while like you said petty things like possesion of weed would have the offenders giving something back to society on the work crews if it came to that.
Halfway to hell and picking up speed.