Prisons, my view and yours
I was browsing through another forum and came upon a discussion concerning prisons.
Specifically, I'd like to discuss everyone's viewpoint about the prison system, what's working, what isn't and what your model system would look like.
Personally, I think the whole system is FUBAR. Currently, in Canada it costs $168.00 a DAY to house a criminal, that's $61,320 a year. My suggestion: These people can be more effectively punished and rehabilitated outside of closed correctional facilities.
There are exceptions, such as violent rapists, sex offenders, and murderers who certainly need to be kept apart from society due to their continuing threat to society, but statistically these offenders occupy an EXTREMELY small portion of the overall crime rate.
Currently, I would implement sweeping reform to the tune of mandatory specific community service and rehabilitation IN the community as opposed to in a prison. This would free up millions of dollars from the current ineffective prison system and allow it to be better spent in other ways.
Most of the people in prisons are in there on property violations, minor assault, or robbery. These people are not being rehabilitated, and the recidivism rate (rate of reoffense) is notoriously high for offenders who spend extended periods of time in custody.
I propose that these people can provide society a service in repayment of their debt, rather than locking them away from society. If you torch a house, you're put to work building them for the current length of the prison term for arson. If you rob someone, you're going to be working community service in homeless shelters and submit to anger management therapy.
The money freed up from confining prisoners can be put back into the community in the form of shelters, clinics, and education. By providing high school dropout offenders with a diploma, their skillset is increased, their job options dramatically increase, and they are more likely to be productive members of society.
Further, I would implement more victim rights. Currently the crown prosecutor's job is to ensure the defendant receives a fair trial, and to prosecute the defendant in the name of the Crown (the defendant's crime is seen as a violation against the state, as opposed to the person). They have many other duties, but they aren't pertinent to my discussion.
I would change this by making the offender directly accountable to the victim. Allow the victim (if they so choose) to talk with the offender about how the crime has affected them, ask why they did it, etc. This would be entirely voluntary for the victim, but mandatory for the offender. The goal is to achieve ACCOUNTABILITY in the offender for his/her actions. Recent studies have shown a 95% satisfaction rate for the victim, and 98% satisfaction for the offender in this method of mediation, it allows the victim to obtain closure, and to impart the impact of the crime on the offender.
Wow, I didn't expect this to be that long, but I have a lot to get off my chest.
I'd also like to reiterate that this model is not for serious offenders such as murderers and rapists, but for the vast majority of crimes which are not of that nature.
Now it's your turn, what are your gripes with the system? Do you think it's working? What would you change?