Originally Posted by jujueye
Just read tonight that a product called Anapod Explorer will allow Ogg Vorbis on the iPod through its AudioMorph section. Seems to be tons of other features as well. Have not read the entire article, but check out the feature list at http://www.redchairsoftware.com/anapod/featlist.php. Found this info on a link from ipodlounge.com.
Unfortunately, though, all this means is that it will automatically transcode OGG into MP3 (or maybe AAC). You could do this yourself, but transcoding is a really bad option for music. MP3s lose certain parts of a file, and OGGs lose different parts, so when you transcode you'll end up losing a lot of information and it won't sound very good.
Looks like a good feature if you keep your music in FLAC or something, though - no need to keep a separate set of files for your portable player.
Or you could just get a Karma, which supports both Ogg and FLAC on the player ;-)