here's my experiences with the 'deuce drop' (god i love that term Balckthorn!):
- when I was 8 our family drove to Montreal to visit family friends, and we had a tent-trailor set up in their backyard. Well everybody went out except me and my girlfriend, we were left to play in the backyard. well, I had to go poo badly, but the house was locked up, and the tent trailor had no washroom. AFter waiting and almost killing myself with pain, I crouched under the extensions of the trailor and dumped on the grass. It was vile. and embarrasing.I had to pick it up and put it in the garbage can.
- while in university, i was in the marching band, and we made rather drunken road trips from Kingston to Montreal and ottawa every weekend that there was an away game for football. On the way to ottawa (on friday night) the bus pulled over for a pee break. All the guys piled out and hung themselves out at the shoulder of the h highway to pee. somebody took a picture. It was hilarious, after it was developed we saw in the drunken line up of whizzing wangs, one of the girls crouched down over the grass peeing out too.
-- After my second year of university, I went on an exchange programme to Sri Lanka for a year. While there I encountered the infamous 'eastern toilettes' the ones where you crouch down over a light-bulb shaped hole in the floor, with your feet on two rubber foot pad, and the bowl being procelaine with a flush attachment in private homes, or hotels, but just a concrete hole in the floor (ala outhouse) in public places. I saw so many filthy public toilettes at bus stations, that Inever went near them because of the flies. it is obvious that people either didn't care, or were bad aims because often there were piles of poo whereever yoru feet had to go.
also, I noticed (and witnessed) that the fishermen who live along the beaches, just poo on the sand. I learned to walk along the waterline, so as not to step in human (and dog) poo.