I have a couple embarassing moments while pooping. When I was in Belarus (small country next to Russia), we went on a picnic to a lake. When I needed to use the restroom, a couple of the family members I was staying with led me to a room, where there were three holes in the pavement and no toilet paper. They left me there, after joking that they hope I brought some paper.
Even weirder was in France, which is not really considered a third world country- on three occasions (Paris and countryside just outside of Paris), I found myself squatting over a hole in a public restroom where they SOLD sheets of toilet paper, or in a nasty open area with NO toilet paper. First time was in, believe it or not, a McDonalds, where there were stalls that only went up to your waist like a barndoor for all to see, and had a toilet built into the floor. The second time was in a claustrophobic cafe restroom. And the third time was at a tourist attraction. Oh the horror.