Having to urinate isn't that big a deal really, but defecating is an entirely different matter. Especially considering the serious need for wiping.
One time, I think when I was in Jr High, I was riding along a nearby bike path in a preserve area near home with a friend and his dad. Amid the very high grasses, etc, I saw an unmanned bike and thought that someone had left it there to get rid of it. Hey, people are lazy like that. We stopped, and I headed toward the bike to claim the presumed broken item, only to see, as I got closer, a person squatting down and defecating (thankfully, I didn't actually SEE the defecating, but it was clearly what was occuring). I quickly turned around and rode away.
Le temps détruit tout
"Musicians are the carriers and communicators of spirit in the most immediate sense." - Kurt Elling