I have to share this with you.
I was coming back from work this evening. I had just got off the train and was walking back to my car. It's about a 5 minute walk along a busy main road so there were plenty of people around (not loads, but enough).
Just before the car park there's a bus stop and there were a few people waiting. Next to the bus stop is a grass verge about 10 feet wide and then the car park.
Now, there's this guy. In his 30's I'd say. He is crouching on the grass in a position which just happens to be in my line of sight. I notice that he seems to have no trousers on. I double-take like one does in these situations and realise he has but they are round his ankles. I'm just averting my gaze as this is already too gross for words when an almighty eruption of piss and shit occurs.
I continue to my car and my back is to this person. When I turn around he is gone. In broad daylight this guy had just taken a dump in full view of everyone: pedestrians, motorists slowing for the traffic lights, the bus queue, ME.
This absolutely grossed me out and I hope to never see such a sight again.
I'm laughing about it now however. Sad bastard.