a newB building his first pc...
a couple months ago i found my computer off with a smell of smoke coming from inside the case. i found it strange because my computers turned on 24/7. upon opening the case i realized everything was toasted. my motherboard, my soundcard, videocard, and cdrw drive was burned out. my first assumption was the powersource. i took it to a local shop and to replace all the burned out pieces it wouldve cost 500 bucks for the parts that i had, not including labor. im not a computer person at all...so i payed for it like a dumbass not knowing that with that 500 bucks, i couldve bought a completely new pc. but every now and then i kick myself in the ass thinking that if i knew how to build my own pc id have saved so much money.
since then ive been going to local computer shows and checking out the products. ive been pricing out the parts and built my own dream machine on paper. by opening up my own pc ive noticed the wiring and connections. but it all looks too simple. my buddy told me that after screwing in all the parts and wires, the hardest part was configuring the bios for the chip and the motherboard.
is this all i need to know? if not, what else is there? if so, does somebody mind posting up a crash course in configuring the bios? or is it not as simple as it seems? i appreciate any responses.
Best told at a place called...the TFP.
on a quest...