Originally Posted by Vincentt
Many mines are shaped like children toys!!
That is truely disgusting.
Some like toy bears, others like those eggs that break apart and have a toy inside.
Ummm, I think that what you are talking about are IED's, or Improvised Explosive Devices. They are terror weapons, and are not really landmines.
Anything with a self-controlled detonating device is not necessarily a landmine.
For the purposes of the ban the UN is proposing the USA sign up to is the traditional landmine (anti-personnel/anti-tank)
They are buried in the ground with only the trigger visible ( looks kinda like this : \|/ ) or there are mines that are completely submerged under the ground and set off with a pressure plate.
I don't think that banning a child's toy filled with explosives will do any good. I think that comparing them may just muddy the intellectual waters.