Originally Posted by Lebell
And finally, anyone who claims that the Korea situation is due to "lazy military tactics" needs to do some research into the situation.
Oops, I didn't mean that the Korea situation was due to lazy tactics. I meant that lazy tactics was the only reason someone could justify to me the deployment of mines.
Hey, wait a second!! I just realized that there is a better way to deny the enemy the use of an area...
Nuke the fucking place.
Think about it. There aren't farmers there, they won't be planting crops anyway. The radioactivity and barren wasteland will surely show the bad guys that we are serious.
No friendly G.I's have to die.
How is that for an alternative? The technology can be deployed with stunning accuracy, it is relatively cheap (considering they are bought and paid for, hence the accounting term 'sunk cost') and has a surprisingly long-lasting effect.
But international treaties have been signed that show societies around the world cry out and say "We will not stand for this action." That is what the landmine ban is trying to do.
I am a soldier. I care about people in uniform. If for one second I thought that NOT DEPLOYING A MINE would cost a friendly life, I would do it. I know that there are alternative tactics available that produce the same result (deny the enemy ground/impede their movement) without costing an innocent indigenous person their life or limb.
Canada, and the other countries that have signed the ban, have made the ethical choice that causing pain and suffering to the people we are trying to help is worse than denying the enemy ground, or impeding their movement.
The fact that the United States is in the minority group that does not also hold these ethics is why there are lines on a map. Hey, I am okay with that. I will try in my own way (by posting here, for one) to convince those minority countries otherwise.
This is why I stay away from Tilted Politics. Those threads get jacked very quickly, and lines are drawn and (in my opinion) feelings can get hurt.
To everyone who has posted here, please remember that I think you are great, by posting here and sharing your thoughts, feelings and ethical views.