Originally Posted by guy44
You know what the best part of Communist Russia was? The way anyone who disagreed with the political or economic views of the government were branded traitors. Yeah, believing that anyone with a different point of view is a traitor was possibly the single most fun part of communism, don't you think?
Nah, the BEST part of Communism was the mountains of dead bodies it produced. Hitler was a piker compared to your friendly Uncle Joe. Between the Soviet Gulags, the various Stalinist purges and starvation campaigns, the massive atrocities committed by the Chinese Communists, plus the "friendly baggage" of Communist Regimes such as in Kampuchea under Pol Pot and the various "ron-ry" dictators of North Korea, Communist ideology has a LOT to answer for.
Communism's goal was, from the get-go, expansionist. As such, Communism is the enemy of the West. If you give aid and comfort to the enemy, you are, by Constitutional DEFINITION (Article 3 Section 3, IIRC), a traitor.
So, when y'all establish your Communist Dream State here, which groups are you going to annihilate? My suggestion would be that you start out with the Mormons...because until you've persecuted a religion, you ain't shit. Oh, yeah, and also because every Mormon I've met is both a decent human being, and an EXCELLENT rifle shot.