Originally Posted by balderdash111
Please, please, please tell me you are joking. Even willravel can tell you that the heat in your engine and the heat from a grill are nothing compared with the heat from a building fire.
By your logic, highrises should be at no risk of collapse from a fire. Ever.
Well of course steel melts, I mean otherwise it would be very diffficult to use steel in production. And the steel industry would be pretty pissed too. The question is could a fire caused by airplane fuel in the World Trade Center buildings was able to not only able to compromise the steel reinforcement of WTC 1 and 2, but it was able to compromise the buildings steel frame at once. I could have understood if the building snapped at the center, but it simply didn't. The building started a cascade effect very similar to a controled demolition by the top floor caving, then the second to the top, all the way to the bottom. Steel that was still cold, uneffected by the fire, caved completly and straight down.
The official story is the least likely possibility.