Your answers suggest you are a Realist
Loyal and steady workers who meet deadlines
Believe in established rules and respect facts
Think of themselves as mature, stable and conscientious
May appear too logical or tough-minded and forget their impact on other people
Realists are loyal to the people around them and work hard to keep their promises. They are honest and straightforward with others and expect the same in return. Realists believe in standard procedures and will only support change when there is a demonstrable benefit.
Realists respect factual information, which they store up to use when making decisions. This group likes to have time to think quietly and carefully before taking action.These extremely productive people like to be occupied in their leisure time with pursuits such as craftwork, hiking or reading.
In situations where they can't use their talents or are unappreciated, Realists may become obsessed with schedules, critical of others or have trouble trusting other people to get the job done properly. Under extreme stress, Realists may complain loudly that events have taken a turn for the worse and predict negative outcomes.
Realists typically only share their opinions or personal experiences with trusted friends.
Realist Careers
Realists are attracted to jobs where decision making based on factual knowledge and experience is required.
Quiet, mild-mannered souls might just turn out to be roaring lions of two-fisted cool.