Originally Posted by Janey
While I do think that Saskatchewan Minister of Health John Nilson's statement that lack of MRI access is not hurting patients is purely political (he is just cya'ing) the entire province is only a million people and sometimes the market lags behind the need.
Also , consider the source. The Fraser Institute is a neo con think tank. I'm a small C concervative myself, but I always take what they say with a grain of salt.
Amen Janey. As a Saskatchewan-ian-atonian-ite, I have to tell you I am proud to see us get this kind of exposure.
Hey, F-18, did you know we existed before you googled that info? I didn't think so. Please stop reading anything regarding the Frasier Institute. They think that Regan was a Pinko.
We have MRI's, and we have enough of them. Oh, your doctor can't get you in for an MRI very soon? May I suggest getting a new doctor that has the clinical skills to diagnose your problem with alternate forms of technology. I will not get into a quote war here, but let me ask you to look at the clinical literature that suggests that MRI's are overutilised, and add very little marginal benefit for patient care (as a general rule, don't misinterpret me here).
Might I also state, that even if I won the Bill Gates lottery and put an MRI on every corner in Saskatchewan (5 bucks if you pronounce it correctly) that would solve nothing. We would then need to recruit the radiologist and the MRI technicians to run the damn things. The capital costs of an MRI aren't prohibitive, it is the labour costs of the people doing the work.
I know, I'll just do the American thing, and give the doctors a blank cheque. Then when we have lots of MRI's, we will be out of money to provide the care. Oops. That would be JUST AS BAD.