Just do it - I did it my freshman year, at 18, and I was sore and all that, but they give you nice drugs and nice ice cream. I'd avoid things like fried rice too soon afterwards... rice is difficult to dig out of the holes!
I was having very regular tonsilitis and snoring like a fiend... I don't snore like that much anymore (except the occasional cold).
The worst part is the anesthesia - IF you're susceptible, it can make you nauseous, and the most horrible part was when I puked right after leaving the hospital - IN the parking lot, no less. Ugh. That sucked really badly. I puked a couple more times when I got home. But remember, I'm VERY susceptible - if you're not, don't worry about it. My brother and sister both had it done in college, and they didn't throw up - it was just me. Nowadays, it's pretty routine, so just do it!
My heart knows me better than I know myself, so I'm gonna let it do all the talkin'.