Joan was concerned, she had only seen this once before and that time it didnt turn out well.Reading through the text on her computer terminal she noted the exact steps needed to clear this mess up, and keep her job. With beads of nervous sweat dripping into her eyes, she walked out of the office and into the infimary, hoping no one was there to see her do this.
Tha Baby was getting pale which was never a good sign, but breathing was at least less shallow, hopefully he was calming down as the sedatives took effect. Joan really didnt want to do this, but had literally no choice, and in the end it was best for both her and the baby. Taking the needle from her pocket.....she prepared to inject the little bundle of joy with a numbing agent before starting. Footsteps interupted her train of thought, and she wiped her forehead clear of blond strands of drenched hair. Commited now to this action she ignored the sounds, remembering what caused this problem in the first place, her mind wondered to earlier that day:
Taking out her crack pipe, Joan lit up in the yard......hoping to hide the stench of this place. A loud sound suddenly is heard from behind the watering hole. She wasn't sure what was out there, but decided to hide it in the trunk just in case. The mind on drugs makes few good descisions.
Joan knew it was stupid....but she really needed to get her pipe back from that damn Elephant.
Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. - Buddha
Last edited by tecoyah; 04-12-2005 at 05:07 AM..