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Old 04-11-2005, 10:06 PM   #7 (permalink)
Location: 3rd coast area
She always knew that some day she would hit the lottery. She once had hit for a couple of thousand dollars and therefore, she knew how it would go. It’s was just: “BOOM”, there they are, the numbers appear all at once, like magic. She liked to squeeze the numbers, like a poker player squeezing his cards slowly to see if he got that flush or straight.

Her habit was to write the numbers down on a special 3”x 5” scratch pad.
Then use that pad to hide the numbers on her ticket as she slowly squeezed each number, one by one. She even used a special pen to hide each individual number as she slowly squeezed them into view. A pen she had picked up as a souvenir from her favorite Las Vegas hotel/casino she always stayed at; Binion’s Horseshoe. That was the only purpose that pen was used for, checking lottery numbers. Not that she was superstitious.

To hit the big one, you have to get, not only the five regular numbers, but you also have to get the bonus number. The odds are astronomically high!

She always waited until the next day to read the winning lottery numbers. There was no logical reason for that, she just was in the habit of doing it that way. She always thought that it would be great to be a millionaire all night long and not know it. Wake up a multi-millionaire, what a way to start your day!

So, that morning she got up and made her usual cup of instant coffee. She then went outside and got her morning paper. She sat down, took a sip of her still hot coffee and immediately turned to the page that listed the previous nights winning lottery numbers. She usually bought five “quick pick” numbers. Then she started her ritual of writing the numbers down on her special lottery scratch pad, then hiding the numbers on her ticket with that pad and slowly squeezing the numbers into sight, one by one with her favorite casino pen.

So, on her third set of numbers, she squeezed it out and there it was…all five numbers AND the bonus ball! The prize that week was one hundred and two million dollars. She gasped! She caught her breath, and gasped again! Then she double-checked the numbers. She then triple-checked them, and then quadruple-checked them. “Son of a gun we’ll have great fun, on the bayou!”

Yes, they were all there. She wasn’t a screamer, for surely she would have screamed then. She then discovered that there was only one winner, which meant that she wouldn’t be sharing this unbelievable prize with anybody!

She had rehearsed this in her mind a thousand times, and she knew that the first thing she would do was sign that ticket. The chronology got kind of disoriented after that. Call a lawyer and put the ticket in a safe-deposit box? Call my boss and quit? Hire a body guard? Put it in a safe-deposit box, then call a lawyer? Call a realtor? Call for reservations…everywhere?

She suddenly became very paranoid. Here she was with a winning ticket worth millions. Having opted for the cash instead of the 25 year pay-out, she had quickly figured out that she would have, roughly, over 30 million dollars in cash in a very short period of time. She actually knew the exact financial advisor she would use. He was on the radio every day, and had quite a few clients who were lottery winners. She would be his newest client.

Then, rudely interrupting her scattered thoughts, she heard a loud knock on her door. Being alone, and totally paranoid about the millions she had in her possession, she hesitated before she opened the door. Her lottery ticket was her primary concern at that precise moment. Then her thoughts raced to her hope chest in her bedroom, which was basically a wooden trunk with a good lock. She wasn’t sure what was out there, but decided to hide it in the trunk just in case.

It turned out to be her landlord wanting to know why she was behind on her rent. Relieved, she told the landlord that she would pay him later on that day, but that she would be moving very soon.

She then called her best friend and told her not to go to work, that she would be picking her up soon, in a limo, and that they were going to go to the state capital and claim her multi-million dollar jackpot. Then they were going to fly first class to Vegas, BABY!
Hail to ALL the troops and shadow warriors.
mrsandman is offline  

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