Originally Posted by Gilda
Thought of another one. Johnny Thunder was a borderline retarded white guy in the golden age comics who controlled a "thunderbolt" from another dimension. His daughter Jonni was briefly the owner, and now it's a black teenage boy.
When Steve Rogers was replaced by another dude as Captain America, the new Cap's sidekick was a huge black guy, who refused to be called Bucky for obvious reasons.
Cap's replacement was John Walker and his partner WAS called Bucky for just a brief amount of time.
And about the Captain Marvel/Photon thing....
Genis-Vel the original Captain Marvel's son is now going by Photon as well.
So the timeline goes....
Mar-Vell->Mar-vell dies Monica Rambeaux becomes Captain Marvel II->Genis-Vell arrives on the scene as Legacy. Monica learns of this and gives up the Captain Marvel title and becomes Photon->Genis becomes Captain Marvel III->Genis goes nuts becomes sane again and is now going by Photon as well.
Another white to black superhero is 3-D Man to Triathalon..