Not to drag up arguments from earlier in the thread, but.. I wasn't all that impressed with V for Vendetta. IMO, it certainly was no Watchmen in terms of the richness of the world or the completeness and complexity of the story. It's very nice social commentary, but you have to be more up on your Brittish History than most Amerians are.
I think the other Moore work that stands shoulder-to-shoulder with Watchmen is From Hell. The art is similar in style to Sin City, actually, and you'll never EVER think about the Whitechapel Murders (the so-called Jack the Ripper case) the same way again. The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen was great too, but stand one notch below the other two in my estimation.
/threadjack (but if you don't know Alan Moore's work <a href="">GO DIRECTLY TO AMAZON, DO NOT PASS GO</a>!)
Just came back from seeing Sin City tonight. Effing brilliant. I've never read the G-novels, but now I have to. The scene in the car with the Jackie-boy and Dwight was just amazingly creepy and funny and brilliant.