Originally Posted by Squishor
Everything Gilda said above makes sense to me, except not when I try to fit it in with my own personal experiences. Maybe it's just that I've got my gender roles flip-flopped - I'm more willing to make the first move with men, although I think that makes perfect sense because there's less chance of rejection there. I'm definitely more intimidated at the thought of trying to seduce a woman, although I am not one of those women who doesn't relate to women well - quite the opposite.
Same here I feel more tentative with around another woman until I get to know her a little bit better sexually. I don't take charge right away unless she gives me control in a sense. It's not that I don't want it but I'm more shy about it to begin with. Get me started though and WHOH.
Gilda made some interesting comments that make good sense to me too.
I am bi-sexual. I would not have said that 5 years ago. I would have acted like I was gagging if you had asked me if I was. I simply never entertained the concept. Now looking back I felt sexually comfortable with other women. There are some women that another woman can simply feel comfortable talking about sexual subjects with. Women love to dish but there are certain ones who make it even more fun. I had some girlfriends that I loved to get physical with - touchyfeely, snuggling under the covers and things. I abhord the idea of it being sexual and yet there were only certain ones that I wanted to do that with. The reasons weren't a matter of feeling closer or being more emotionally attached either. Now looking back it was more of a sexual attraction. I had been taught that it was biologically impossible to be attracted to someone of the same sex so I ignored it as such. Now - I find it interesting that I felt that way.
Hubby and I swing - I have a strong emotional attachment with my husband and I wouldn't be swinging without that attachment to him. I wouldn't be having sex with other people without first developing some sort of attachment to them if I didn't have that primary emotional attachment.
For me to allow another woman into my circle with my husband and myself I have to know that either 1. She's attached to another man. OR 2. She's emotionally attached to me AND my husband.
We have not gone farther than that and I don't know yet how I'd respond to some woman out of a bar, all alone, with no emotional attachments to anyone that I know of. I think I'd be especially suspicious and leary of her. That's just me but that's how my bi-sexual mind works.
I didn't address many specific questions here because my situation is somewhat different than the hypothetical one being examined. I hope I was able to give SOME insight at least.