04-11-2005, 04:33 PM
#1 (permalink)
John McCain takes a stand against changing the filibuster
According to articles I've read, there are about six or seven other GOP Senators who are still undecided on this nuclear option thing, so there's a real chance it could get shot down. Here's hoping they vote against it and put a stop to this whole power grab.
Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), breaking from his party's Senate leadership, said Sunday that he would oppose any move to prohibit filibusters against judicial nominations. Appearing on CBS' "Face the Nation," McCain said a ban on filibusters for judicial nominations could spread to other legislative issues, fundamentally changing the Senate.
"I think that there's a problem with a slippery slope," he said.
In that way, he argued, the precedent could ultimately hurt the GOP by allowing Democrats to bar the filibuster the next time they hold the White House and a majority in the Senate.
"If we don't protect the rights of the minority … if you had a liberal president and a Democrat-controlled Senate, I think that it could do great damage," said McCain, who sought the GOP presidential nomination in 2000 and is considering another run in 2008.
Although McCain has previously said he was leaning against a move to restrict the filibuster, his comments Sunday represented his most explicit opposition to the idea. McCain said he would still confer with his party leadership on the controversy and wanted to see President Bush's judicial appointments confirmed. But he answered a crisp "yes" when asked if he opposed eliminating the filibuster for judges.
Frustrated with Democratic filibusters that blocked consideration by the full Senate of 10 of Bush's first-term nominees to the powerful federal appellate courts, Republican leaders have said they are considering a change in Senate rules to prohibit the use of the filibuster, which requires 60 votes to override, on judicial appointments.
Neither side appears certain if Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.) has the votes to implement the change. In addition to McCain, several other moderate Republican senators, as well as some veteran GOP senators reluctant to change the institution's traditions, have expressed concerns about the change.