Originally Posted by slant eyes
interesting enough, my brother and i spoke on this earlier. i can't speak for too many, but we wash most of our clothes in cold water as you should for colorfast-ness. i was told never to wash in hot water. so for us, that would leave the dishwasher. how hard would it be to just load the dishwasher before you shower. then turn the sucker on to run the night while you went to bed? it would save you lots of money from having to heat the tank all day.
plus, how many people wash thier clothes, their dishes, and take a shower at the same time?
We've done the eval & will be ditching the tank for tankless. We currently have a 120 gallon, stone lined tank that costs a fortune to keep hot. We never run the dishwasher when we shower as the water pressure drops. Tankless should fit the bill nicely.