Trying to lose some weight
Alright, I'd like to lose some weight, but I'm pretty busy at the moment and there's a few different things happening. I wake up at 6:30~ and leave for school at 7~, and I'm there until 2pm. Then, 3-4 days a week, I'll go to work from 4-8 on weekdays, or 12-8 on weekends. I'd like to start running, because it can be done most anywhere and doesn't require me to pay any kind of gym membership fees. If I were to just watch what I eat, take in less calories and more protein, and run each day, would this help me lose weight? I've been incorporating more tuna into my diet, and having a small cottage cheese snack before I go to bed.
I know it's better to have several small meals throughout the day, but this is hard with my schedule. Does anyone have any tips for me, or thoughts on my plan? I'm currently 6' and I think 230lbs, I have no idea how accurate that weight is though because the only scale my family owns was broken by myself. (Accidentally stepped on the corner of it one day and it flipped and landed wrong and fell apart.)