Well, I don't know if Supple Cow meant girl friends only. I never kept up with any of them but I do have two amazingly close guy friends; closer than I will ever be with a girl, I think. So these are those stories.
The first one, I met my first day of Kindergarten. I don't remember that actual day but I am told by my mom that I came home and talked about this little boy I had met. We hung out growing up but didn't become really, secret-sharing close until high school. Freshman year, we began to hang out every day, talk endlessly about everything. We went to different universities for the first two years until he transferred to my uni. We now have inside jokes, can tell each other the same stories and still laugh, and pick on each other playfully. He will always be in my life and he is my best friend.
The second one, I met my first year in university. We became fast friends, and dated for a year. We broke it off when it was clear that we were friends but not romantic ones. We have become closer now than we were when we were dating. We aren't as close as the first one, but he is still amazing. We all are only in our twenties and haven't had marriages, kids, or mortgages in our lives yet but when we do, these two will be my champion and I will be both of theirs.
"Mommy, the presidents are squishing me!"
"Using the pull out method of contraceptive is like saying I won't use a seat belt, I'll just jump out of the car before it hits that tree."