I'm following this discussion with a good bit of interest (because of the frustrating experiences described above) but I can't quite seem to find where I fit in this picture. Except maybe as just a particularly unlucky person, in this area anyway. I definitely agree that most women fall into the grey area somewhere along the continuum between the two poles. I personally could never imagine excluding half the human race as potential sexual partners based on gender alone. Everything Gilda said above makes sense to me, except not when I try to fit it in with my own personal experiences. Maybe it's just that I've got my gender roles flip-flopped - I'm more willing to make the first move with men, although I think that makes perfect sense because there's less chance of rejection there. I'm definitely more intimidated at the thought of trying to seduce a woman, although I am not one of those women who doesn't relate to women well - quite the opposite. The longer I think about it the less clear-cut it seems, especially when I start to consider my taste in men (prefer somewhat androgynous, although I appreciate some "masculine" traits) and in women (attracted to both "butch" and "femme" types). People are complicated, that's all I can say.
Last edited by Squishor; 04-10-2005 at 12:41 AM..