Of course it's important to respect the laws of whatever country you are in, and not ask for special treatment based on your country of origin. Yes, you should be willing to accept reasonable consequences for your actions, and you should certainly be prepared to accept the known consequences of your actions. I also recognize that the United States government doesn't have a moral leg to stand on when it comes to the death penalty in other countries.
I oppose the death penaly in general and in this case, even if the woman is guilty, I think it's unnecessarily harsh punishment relative to the crime, and I think it's entirely fair to object on those grounds.
However, to object on the basis of her citizinship or on the basis of the method of execution seems off to me. Why should it matter what the method of execution is; she'll be dead in the end. Firing squad is no more barbaric than the electric chair or gas chamber. I'd venture it's more humane than the gas chamber, as death comes more quickly and with less suffering.
I'm against ending blackness. I believe that everyone has a right to be black, it's a choice, and I support that.
~Steven Colbert