I'll probably vote communist - Ipswich is a fairly solid Labour seat... but Blair is so hated now its possible it could go to the liberals.
I predict a hung parliament, and a Lib-Lab pact.. it is probably the best thing for the country. On a personal level, the one leading politician I do admire is Oliver Letwin, Im very impressed with him... but the Tories would be a disaster... to many people remember the damage Thatcher and Major did to the country and they still havent made a clean break. Michael Howard has a lot going for him, he has a better chance than IDS - and he plays a lot on his Jewish ethnicity to avoid charges of being called a racist (Letwin is also Jewish, but you dont see him going on about it all the time...) - but like Ann Widdecombe said, there is something of the night about Howard.
Personally, I dont think Blair can be forgiven for the Iraq war, nor has his party made the progress they needed to on social issues, although Brown has created a strong economy... I also think it is a problem, although maybe other people dont know, that Blair was PROVEN to have lied to journalists on the plane regarding the 40 mins claim, or 20 mins, or whatever it was (the sexing up of the dodgy dossier so it basically said Saddam could strike Hemmel Hempsted at half an hours notice with biological weapons)
Without Blair, Labour would still be the only option, it would be just like 2001 - no one really wanted Labour but there was no alternative... really there is still no alternative... but Blair the liar is a huge liability to the movement. A Lib-Lab pact is probably the best case for the country - the price of this would be PR obviously, which would be a huge benefit to the British people.
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."
The Gospel of Thomas