Originally Posted by SecretMethod70
popo, looks like you're still around, so I'll ask here...I think I may have receded gumsfrom brushing too hard (pretty sure of it actually)...is there anything less brutal than what was described in post #39 to address this problem? Cause that solution creeps the hell outta me, especially after a quick google search into the surgery.
Oh, and for someone who just can't give up the wonderful fizzy flavor of pop (1, because it tastes good; 2, because it's the cheapest flavored drink available and I'm a poor college student; and 3, because I swear I have an oral fixation because I seem to have a constant need to be drinking something), what would you recommend to be a reasonable amount per day? As it stands, I drink in excess of 40oz on most days but worry about the negative impact this could have and likely is having on my teeth.
I reread that #39 post and that's the 1st time I've heard anyone complain like that about that procedure. I had one done on myself, my wife had one done and I just did one on a patient 2 weeks ago. None of us took anything more than Motrin (extra strength Advil) and we were fine. Very little swelling (no one else would notice), little discomfort with the plastic stent on your palate and most use a technique that causes less discomfort than when I had mine done (connective tissue graft vs. free gingival graft).
Then again, you don't NEED to get it done, unless you have sensitivity on the area or you don't like the esthetics of it. Otherwise if you stop brushing like mad and keep it clean, it shouldn't progress.
Stop the pop. 40 oz is too much, especially if not sugar-free. You will rot your teeth and although I personally focus on replacing teeth with implants, I don't want to have to give you a TFP discount
. Switching completely to diet pop won't solve the problem because the acidity of it does lots of harm as well. If you're going to drink it, drink it with a meal. Do not sip it throughout the day between meals, and especially not before bed. That's when you produce less saliva and so you don't wash it away. If you don't want to use the TFP discount one day, I'd highly recommend switching to water or something like Fruit2O, Propel, If you like the carbonation, 1L bottles of sugar-free carbonated flavored water is in your supermarket for around 69 cents, cheaper than pop.
Good luck.